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SEI is organizing SEPG North America 2009 conference from March 23-26, 2009, in San Jose, California.

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI), CMU, USA, is organizing the SEPG North America 2009 conference from March 23-26, 2009, in San Jose, California. More information on this premier conference in performance improvement through process capability is available at the SEI conference website at:
http://www.sei.cmu.edu /sepgna.

Currently, SEI has called for Abstracts and Reviewers from the Software Engineering Community. The deadline for the abstracts and reviewer volunteers is 15th August, 2008.

The extract from SEI web-page:
http://www.sei.cmu.edu/news-at-sei/whats-new/ sepgna09cfp.html

Extract from SEI Website on SEPG North America Conference 2009, is given below:
“This year’s Call for Abstracts features a special topic on The Next Generation of Process. The SEPG North America Program Committee is looking for presentations that will provide thought-provoking perspectives on the future of performance improvement and process capability. View the list of topics of interest for this year’s technical program or, for complete instructions, see the Call for Abstracts. The conference committee is also seeking volunteers to review abstracts. The committee members use these reviews in our consideration of each abstract for the technical program. We invite individuals with expertise in the field of performance improvement and process capability, particularly as related to the topics list, to submit their resume or CV for consideration. For more information, see the Call for Reviewers.”

Know more about the lovely city of San Jose California – the venue of SEPG North America 2009:

San José has a world-renowned quality of life, offering a wide variety of exciting cultural, recreational, educational and entertainment opportunities. In addition, the City of San José has the nation’s best public safety record of any metropolitan area, a marvelous ethnic diversity and a beautiful climate

Want to know more, click at the following link

Click here to get San Jose City Facts brochure:


CMMI for Acquisition Primer, Version 1.2 available

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI), CMU, USA has released the CMMI for Acquisition Primer, Version 1.2. This model framework CMMI best practices for those organizations who acquire products and services. This is based on the best practices of the CMMI for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ), Version 1.2 model (441 pages) and can be used by projects that acquire products or services in government and non-government organizations.

The best practices provide framework for sub-contractor management including monitoring and controlling while the sub-contractors develop products or deliver services. The practices in this primer provide a basis for procurement or acquisition process that can assure reliable product and service delivery from sub-contractors.

The CMMI-ACQ Primer is a stand-alone guide that prepares users for implementing the CMMI-ACQ model for process improvement. The primer focuses on efficient and effective acquisition processes and practices that are implemented by first-level acquisition projects.

To download a copy of the primer, see the CMMI for Acquisition Primer, Version 1.2 entry in the Publications area of the SEI website.

The matter on this page has been extracted from SEI web-site page:


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